We imagine your bathroom space as a relaxing spa-like retreat. However, that's not possible in the event that a smelly odor emanates from the drain of your shower. If you are forced to hold your nose when you shower, this post is ideal for you. These are the two most frequently cited causes for an unpleasant shower drain and how you can resolve the problem.
Reason No. 1: Issue with the P-trap
If you are able to look beneath your shower's drain, you'll notice a U-shaped pipe through which water flows through. This is referred to as the P-trap, and its function is to keep an amount of water at all times to prevent the gases that come from sewage from going to the pipe and eventually into the bathroom.
If you haven't been in the shower for a while, you might find that the water inside the P-trap has disappeared. There's a simple solution -- simply use your shower for a couple of minutes, and the P-trap should fill up, and the smell will be gone.
If you've taken a shower in the last few days, this could be an indication of a leak in the P-trap. If this is the case, the pipe must be repaired to stop the smell and any further damage to your home.
Reason No. 2: The buildup of biofilm
Biofilm is a thin and transparent layer of bacteria, which can be created from soap, water shampoo, and other body oils that flow down the drain of the shower and build up in the pipes. It does not just sound awful; it could also make a pretty unpleasant smell.
How can you eliminate biofilm? You can try to kill the bacteria using one of these solutions for your home:
Combine 1 part bleach with 1 part water. Then, pour it down the drain.
Nest is to pour one cup of baking powder into the drain. Add a cup of white vinegar. Pour the vinegar into the drain and cover it as the mixture begins to fizzle, then flush it out with hot water.
If hair becomes stuck in drains and pipes, it may cause the biofilm problem to get more severe (not to mention cause the process of creating a blockage). Most of the time, if you get rid of the hair, the smell will disappear.
2680 Progressive Way, #112, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6H9