You may be surprised, but the size of your toilet's height should be as crucial as taking into consideration the fundamental aspects of replacing your simple chair. Do your feet meet the floor while sitting in the chair? Do you reach for your arms to lift yourself up from the seat?
It is vital that while you are sitting in the toilet, both feet are on the floor. Although a toilet that is taller can occasionally make the task easier for the disabled or elderly to stand, not every member of the family will appreciate the extra height.
Do a Measuring: Lie on a solid chair (not the overstuffed recliner) that will allow both feet to rest firmly on the ground. Make a measurement from the knee's crease towards the ground. This measurement will provide you with an idea of the toilet's height as the one that is most suitable for your needs.
If you require assistance in getting off the toilet, think about installing an elevated toilet rail that can be adjusted to match the height, as well as provide additional aid. The number of bathrooms, as well as who the bathroom users are, will advise you on whether you should put in various height toilets in your bathrooms.
2680 Progressive Way, #112, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6H9